11. August 2023

Location presentation Dortmund

In 2012, KiKxxl opened its third location – in Dortmund! Around 450 employees work here in the “Hammerkopf Office”.

In addition to the impressive view of the skyline, the colleagues are also enthusiastic about the trusting cooperation, the family atmosphere and, of course, the authentic, open interaction in the Ruhr region! But see for yourself…

“The cooperation with my colleagues is special! We can always count on each other and complement each other perfectly. What’s also good is the Ruhrpott snout! No one minces words with us and we are all always open and honest with each other! It’s just totally refreshing to work in an environment where everyone is so authentic.”

- Sabine

“The Dortmund location is very special with the view of the skyline, you have a feeling of freedom when working… The outbound team is characterized by the family-like cohesion, everyone is welcome here. KiKxxl itself is a super flexible employer, with its many different areas there is something for everyone to build on. Here you have the opportunity to develop and achieve a lot!”

- Darline

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