KiKxxl is colourful
Not only does KiKxxl stand for competence in communication, but also for teamwork and respect. Everyone is welcome at KiKxxl, whatever nationality, religion, culture, education or age group someone belongs to. The only thing that counts here is the person. KiKxxl shows exactly how well a team of diverse people can function. All 2,800 employees have the same opportunities and can succeed.
The age range at KiKxxl is between 18 and 83 years. More than 40% of the staff are between 18 and 25 years old. This probably shows that the teams seem to be very young. But age is just a number, right? After all, KiKxxl is one of the ‘Companies with Vision’ honoured by the German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. Companies that have been particularly successful in designing age-appropriate workplaces were commended for their efforts as part of the federal programme ‘Perspective 50plus – Employment Pacts for Older People in the Regions’.
Is being a call centre agent only something for women?! No, because the genders are almost evenly balanced here. In fact, men are slightly in the majority at around 54% compared to women at 46%.
Gender diversity is not the only area where we are clearly mixed; we also have a lot to offer in terms of cultural origins. While the majority of our teams are German, we also have Austrians, Egyptians, Bulgarians, Serbs, Turks and many other nationalities at KiKxxl, to name just a few.