Hero of the month

In our new series “Hero of the month” we introduce you to KiKxxl employees who do something special in their free time. One of our heroes is Stefanie! She is the chairwoman of the union of „parent help for children with rett-syndrom“ of the regional association of Lower Saxony/Bremen. She does the balancing act between her family, her work for the association and her job not only terrific, but also with pleasure. But see for yourself!
Zoe’s medical history:
“After years of uncertainty about what was wrong with our daughter, the disease was diagnosed in 2016. Since then, Zoe has needed one-to-one care. Her speech and motor skills are limited, but she can walk. This is great, but also means we always have to keep an eye on Zoe. Also because of her seizures, which pose a high risk of injury.”
Everyday life:
“My husband helps me with Zoe and the union work. Since the diagnosis, my bosses and colleagues have also given me great support. This makes it possible for me to continue working at KiKxxl. And that is important to me, because this is where I gather strength. I look forward to seeing my colleagues, laughing with them, and then coming home to Zoe stronger than before.”
The association’s work:
“After 30 years, the former chairwoman of the board stepped down and was looking for a successor. I had only been a member for half a year and was unsure if I was up to the task. A conversation with Andreas then also encouraged me to take the step. Since then, I have been the contact person for 75 families in the Lower Saxony/Bremen region. Especially after the diagnosis, I am the first point of contact and provide 24/7 support. In addition, we promote exchange between the families, among other things through joint activities and excursions.”