KiKxxl awarded again - and twice!

Following the award from the Family Alliance of the Osnabrück region as a “family-friendly employer”, KiKxxl has now received the next two awards.
We were voted among the best employers in Germany by “Stern” in cooperation with “statista”. More than 50,000 employees were selected by market research companies and invited to take part in the survey, which was then conducted as an online questionnaire. The questionnaire covered more than 50 topics relating to the company, with the statement on recommending the company having a high weighting. In addition, the questionnaire covered pandemic management, external branding and the recruitment of new employees.
At least 100 evaluations had to be submitted for a company to be included in the ranking. Thus, out of 2600 preselected companies, ratings for a total of 1300 companies could be filtered, of which the best 650 companies were then included in the ranking. Here we occupy the place 221 altogether and the 3rd place in our branch “services”.
In addition, Germany’s leading news broadcaster WELT and ServiceValue awarded us a very high rating for our corporate responsibility. This study focused on the extent to which companies do more than simply comply with the legal requirements of labor law. Companies that create additional offers and motivation are often characterized by a very positive approach to female employees and customers. Loyalty and satisfaction are increased and business partners also have an additional argument for concluding mutual relationships.
More than 170,000 managers’ assessments of 1989 companies were evaluated. To be included in the list, companies had to receive at least 75 executive ratings. In essence, the crucial question was: “To what extent can you agree, based on your own information and experience, that the efforts made by the respective company’s management to ensure corporate responsibility are sincere and effective?