Our Diversity Manager at KiKxxl

At KiKxxl, we firmly believe that diversity is not just a word, but a living reality that makes our company stronger, more creative and more successful. We believe that diversity is much more than just a number of differences – it is a source of innovation, perspective and opportunity at all levels – be it religion, age, ethnicity, gender, education and much more.
In a world of rapid change and constant evolution, it takes courage and openness to take full advantage of diversity. The different backgrounds, skills and experiences of our employees enrich our company enormously. At KiKxxl, we experience this diversity firsthand: Here, some 42 nations work peacefully together, the age range of our team members is between 18 and 83, and our workforce consists of colleagues with different gender identities and levels of education. We care deeply about inclusion, and are passionate about making sure that everyone on our team feels empowered in their identity (for example, through prayer retreats, an accessible workplace, and more).
To protect and promote diversity, we at KiKxxl now have two diversity manager who represent our vision in the company: Katrin and Dennis. A short interview gives a little insight into their new role:
How did it come about that you became diversity officers?
We are both already active in the works council, and I (Katrin) also act in my role as anti-discrimination officer. The role of Diversity Officer therefore complements the existing role in a meaningful way.
What tasks do you expect as Diversity Manager?
Since the role is relatively new, we are very excited about what tasks we will face in the future! In general, however, our tasks will revolve around promoting and ensuring diversity and inclusion at KiKxxl! These are values that KiKxxl stands for and that we want to anchor even more in our corporate culture – also in terms of diversity!
Have there been situations where you have encountered resistance?
When it comes to diversity and inclusion, challenges and occasional resistance can arise in terms of openness and understanding among colleagues. Our approach is to be transparent and ensure that our efforts in this regard are understandable to all. As a result, we are likely to encounter more openness.
But we also need to constantly practice openness and acceptance. If we expect those around us to live these values, we must naturally lead with them. It can sometimes be difficult to accept views that differ from our own, but this is a constant challenge that we also have to work on continuously.
With Katrin and Dennis as our diversity officers and the commitment of all our employees*, we are well on the way to shaping an even more open and diverse future. We believe that diversity is our strength, and we will continue to work on using this strength to achieve our common goals.