Current situation in Kosova with reference to our locations

In recent weeks, concerns about the security situation in Kosova have been raised in the media. The dispute over Serbian recognition of Kosova’s independence is also relevant for KiKxxl through the Kosovar locations in Prishtina, Peja and Gjilan.
For this reason, Thomas Mews, one of our division managers, went to Mitrovica in person to get a comprehensive impression of the situation on the ground. He says: “In Mitrovica and also in the Serbian, northern part of the city, the feeling of security was at all times as good as in Prishtina or even at home. Police officers on the ground told us about their fortunately rather boring everyday work in the north of the city.”
Kosova is a democratic country that has held free and regular elections since its independence in 2008. Democratic institutions are established and function efficiently, ensuring good governance and compliance with the law.
The political situation in Kosova is calm and stable. The strengthening of democratic institutions and the will to create a stable and secure environment for development are the main factors that have contributed to the political stability of the country. The strong support from international partners and foreign investors shows that Kosova is confident about the future.
As for the concern about the north of Kosova, it is important to note that this region has been instrumentalized by Belgrade to create a negative narrative and raise doubts about the stability of the country. This is not the case at all, and the security situation in Kosova is ensured by NATO with the help of KFOR forces, which maintain a strong presence to ensure peace and stability. An escalation of the situation is not to be expected, neither from Kosova nor from Serbia.
An escalation would limit the prospects for both Kosova and Serbia and would result in immediate intervention by NATO and the EU. It is in the interest of both countries to work towards a constructive and peaceful solution to ensure long-term stability and development in the region. We are therefore confident that Kosova will continue to be a safe and stable location for KiKxxl and that the positive development of our business activities in Kosova will also continue to be ensured.

The Iber River, which separates the two districts and thus also the ethnic groups.

Division Manager Thomas Mews (right) and Senior Project Manager Qendrim Bruqi (left) on the bridge over the Iber River connecting the two districts.