Stern awards: KiKxxl in the top 3 of "Germany's Best Employers 2021"

This year, for the second time, stern-magazine has chosen Germany’s best employers. With the help of an online survey conducted by the market research company Statista, more than 47,500 employees were able to rate their employer and answer the question of whether they would recommend the company to others.
The survey took place between June 17 and July 13 2020. In order to be included in the ranking, each participant in the survey had to submit at least 100 reviews, whereby the participants could only evaluate companies from the industry to which they belonged. This resulted in both 24 industry-specific and one cross-industry best list, which reflects and evaluates the recommendation rate of a total of 650 companies throughout Germany.
For us as a service provider, the listing for the service industry is the most relevant. There, the name KiKxxl (even though in unfortunate spelling) appears directly in 3rd place, with a score of 71.45 (out of 100). This puts us above the average (65.8) and puts us in 300th place out of all 650 companies ranked.