Career at KiKxxl

A few weeks ago, we introduced you to Igor’s career path. Today we’re talking about Daniela, who also has an impressive career at KiKxxl. The trained kindergarten teacher has been at KiKxxl for 20 years and loves her job as a training coach. We asked Daniela how exactly it all came about!
Dani, what was your career like at KiKxxl?
After my training as an kindergarten teacher, I actually only wanted to join KiKxxl temporarily. That has now turned into 20 years! I started as a customer service agent and then became a team leader. In the process, I realized that I enjoy developing and supporting employees. Then a position in the training department became available. I’ve been there for more than 10 years now…
… And what do you do in your job?
I’m mainly responsible for qualifying prospective coaches at KiKxxl. I train them individually and support them as needed. And I do that with great passion!
What do you enjoy most about it?
I know all the projects and even almost everyone here by name. In addition, my job is very multifaceted. I think it’s great to work with all kinds of people and to encourage and motivate them. Of course, I also have to adapt to each person individually… I think I manage that quite well!