13. May 2024

KiKxxl trainees show commitment once again

Our trainees have once again raised a remarkable donation!

Last week, there was a “sweet” campaign in the truest sense of the word: they sold delicious cakes in Osnabrück! The selection was very large, as they baked themselves and also received support from other areas. The sale alone raised a considerable sum of 279 euros, as some of the team also made generous donations over and above the cake sale. The sale of returnable bottles also brought in some money! KiKxxl itself topped up the sum to 750 euros.

The donation was happily handed over today to the children’s charity “terre des hommes”, which helps children in need worldwide.

In the past, our trainees from other locations have also collected money through great campaigns and donated it to a charitable organization.

We are proud of our trainees for their dedication and commitment!

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